Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Hopefully, the housing situation is all sorted now. Over the last two weeks Chimere and Hannah have moved out and we saw a parade of people. I even put up the most kick-arse notice in the window at Readings - if you walked past you would instantly know it was from me. It said in pink texta: "Two Housemates Wanted: North Melbourne" and on the left side it had a picture of Posh Spice cut out of NW magazine, and on the right a picture of Rod Stewart. The text of the ad said: "Lovely spacious terrace in the proverbial tree-lined street. Near Royal Park, Melbourne Uni and 3 trams. 2 fem, 1 male, glam creative types. $108pw. Avail now! Call Mel."

Anyway, I was quite dispirited at only receiving four calls in total from this ad. Does nobody share my sense of humour? But luckily we've got three new people in: Shion, who's from NZ, trained as a chef and is now studying sound engineering; Ben, also from NZ, a graphic and multimedia designer and animator; and Kerrie, who's into the art scene and writes articles about art.

I've spent the past two evenings moving stuff upstairs to the big front room. Made me realise how much crap I have, and now unfit I am. Shion helped with the bed, desk and chest of drawers - he's only been living here a week and has already proven himself to be a gem in terms of moving stuff and offering to make cups of tea. The house is already much cleaner - we got a plumber and Drano in the end, and Hannah and Chimere were responsible for much of the mess. Hopefully, things at home are finally going to settle down...

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