Monday, August 28, 2006

Quelle surprise - another magazine event. Magazine parties are like that sideshow game with the gopher heads -- no sooner have you smacked one down with the mallet than another one pops up. It is just never-ending. I am so tuckered out. The trouble with relying on parties to fund the magazine is that people tend to think we do it because we are John Belushi types who just love partying, and that we put on these events in order to share the party love with like-minded people.

This is not really true. We put on events because we began raising money for the magazine this way, and now we are on this treadmill and we have to keep running in order to keep the magazine solvent. So, after hosting a successful Melbourne party and a disastrous Sydney party in quick succession, Is Not Magazine is proud to present:

YouTube Tuesdays is a movie night with a difference. We've asked the cream of Melbourne's design, publishing and general hipster universe to curate a themed program of their favourite YouTube videos. It starts tomorrow at Loop (Meyers Place, Melbourne). Arrive at 6:30pm for a 7pm screening. There will also be candy, popcorn and Mel's patented "Lucky Tubes" (or "Tubes of Mystery" as the more Late Show-minded among us may call them). Be there! Especially if you are up for a night out that doesn't end in the Sev at 4am.

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