Monday, November 27, 2006

The wonders of the prop department. Last night I was watching the ABC at my parents' house, something I only do when I'm over there because we can't get it at our house. And there was some nostalgic station ID because the ABC has just turned 50. It was about a children's program called Adventure Island that was the 1960s version of Sesame Street in terms of production values and sheer cultural pervasiveness. But I cared nothing for any of this - I was looking at the pandas going, "Where have I seen these creatures before?" Because I certainly had never seen Adventure Island. It was really uncanny. But then it occurred to me - sweet mother of god, it's Shirty, the Slightly Aggressive Bear!

I don't know about the body, but it's totally the same head! Of course Shirty is a little more dishevelled from being in the ABC costume department for twenty-odd years. How awesome would it have been, though, to be producing The Late Show and having the run of the ABC's entire costume backlog? One of the things I always loved about the show was the shonky Year 9 Drama quality of all the props and costumes.

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