Saturday, March 28, 2020


The latest from Project Bring All The Birds to the Yard. I have been allowing Graham into the prison yard untethered (albeit under strict supervision) because I have been projecting onto him my own desire to be outside and able to move around freely. (When you think about it, Graham has been in lockdown ever since last August, bar his one escape over the roofs at New Year.)

He has been getting calmer each time – yesterday morning I was able to consume a cup of tea and two slices of Vegemite toast outside without having to stop him from jumping onto the back gate. 

And tonight he was sitting in tucked-up pose, gazing meditatively into the sky. I was astounded that he was not behaving like a dickhead and was sorry my phone was on the charger so I could not capture this unprecedented moment.

Then I saw what had captivated him: the two teenage spotted doves, ruffling their scraggly adolescent feathers as they perched on my back neighbour’s fence. They cocked their heads and looked back at us, as if they had wanted to come and hang out in my yard but were waiting for Graham and me to go back inside.

This is the pure spirit of Bring All the Birds to the Yard: the entertainment of my cat. I love the pidgies! I love my cat!

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